U.S. House of Representatives

"U.S. House Rolls Over for Mega-Communications Companies"

After the large network provider companies, such as ATT&T and Comcast, failed to bully the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) into turning the internet over to them, they've taken another road.

Finding "Net Neutrality" upheld by the FCC, their puppets in the House of Representatives have decided to change the law for them. On April 8, 2011, it voted to repeal the FCC rules to mandate an open and non-discriminatory Internet.

Net Neutrality regulates only the network providers. The purpose of Net Neutrality is to assure no one can take control of what's on the internet: neither the government, nor the big businesses wanting the opportunity to shut-out competition.

How typical of our current lawmakers. If they can't get what they want for their money people one way, they'll simply write a new law. The bill will now go to the Senate.

Stand up for our online rights! Tell them to quash that bill!

Take Action Here!

Please Tell Your Senators!

From SaveTheInternet.com

I am taking the liberty of paraphrasing an email sent out by SaveTheInternet.com ... Please send a copy to your own email lists!

On February 17, 2011, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to block the Federal Communications Commission from protecting our right to access an open Internet. If successful, the move would give phone and cable companies absolute, unrestricted power over the internet.

In the U.S. Senate, Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas), Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) and John Ensign (R-Nevada) have introduced a "resolution of disapproval" that would strip the FCC of its authority to protect our right to free speech online. Both of these moves come at a time when phone and cable giants are already restricting our ability to connect with others and share information.2

We can stop the resolution in the Senate by getting 51 members to stand with us for online freedom. Tell your senators - defend our right to free speech online!

Tell Your Senators

A House vote is on the books. It's now up to the Senate. If it doesn't stop this resolution, the FCC would be barred from enforcing its Net Neutrality rule, and from acting in any way to protect Internet users against corporate abuses by the largest internet service providers.

Imagine a world where these companies are allowed to do anything they want, ban any speech they don't like, charge anything they can get away with, hold innovation hostage to their profit margins and make online business owners pay to have their web sites display.

If this resolution passes, there's nothing anyone could do about it.

The resolution is filibuster-proof. We need at least 51 senators to beat it. PLEASE contact YOUR senators here:

Tell Your Senators

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* dr. jl scott is the Founder of Chamber of Commerce - on the Web™ http://www.ChamberofCommerce-ontheWeb.com - and also the publisher of the Online Business Trade Journal™ - the blog that keeps you up to date with online business coming of age. Visit: http://www.OnlineBusinessTradeJournal.com

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